I didn’t misrepresent you with any straw man. You made a reference to Genesis (example one of circular thinking) and then you wrote “there’s evidence throughout the Bible” (example two). Sorry if you feel like I’m treating you as if you’re in the first grade, but it appears that you don’t understand what circular thinking is. Let me help you: Every time you want to cite the Bible as a way to say that something in the Bible is true, you are engaging in circular thinking. “Barry, please! Genesis says…” or “Barry, if you would only read the Bible you’d see…” or “Barry, this passage from the Bible explains why the Bible is accurate.” Any of those three would be examples of circular thinking. Helpful hint: Stop asking people to read something in the Bible in order to get people to believe that something in the Bible is true. This especially applies to supernatural beliefs (angels, talking corpses, the clown living in the belly of an aquatic creature, etc.).
Evolution is a fact of life, and the theory of evolution explains that fact. Mentioning Einstein is ludicrous because biology — understanding how biological organisms (life) flourish and propagate — wasn’t his specialty. If evolution were shown to be false, this information would come from an individual whose specialty is the life sciences, not physics.
Why would you ask anyone for evidence of evolution, as if the subject can be addressed or summed up with just a couple of sentences when you can begin investigating on your own by reading works by evolutionary biologists? For an easy read (by “easy” I mean a book that’s written for lay readers — like me — not academics or specialists in the field) try Why Evolution is True by Jerry Coyne.
In the meantime, here’s something I wrote a while ago for someone else (on Twitter). It would appear you’re in the third category — and you have zero evidence to support anything within that category. I have another comment below this:
Here’s what’s fascinating to me about believers and evolution deniers specifically: You want evolution to be wrong. Hold on. Let’s be clear about what I just wrote. I’m not simply noting that you believe evolution isn’t true. I’m saying you want evolution to not be true. Do you see the distinction? That you believe evolution isn’t true is a separate subject from saying you want evolution to not be true. They are two different areas of discussion.
Shortly after Elvis Presley died, there were people who wanted Elvis Presley to not be dead. I understand why Presley fans would be distraught and would want his death to not be true. Presley fans weren’t alone in wanting something to not be true. It’s a common position that people often take. We want all sorts of things in life to be true (or not true). So in your case, why do you want evolution to not be true? If you respond with anything like “Because evolution isn’t true,” it means you didn’t understand my question.